When it comes to owning a horse, keeping up on your horse’s dental needs becomes just as important as keeping up with their yearly vaccinations. It is important to have your horse’s teeth checked by a veterinarian at least once yearly to see if they need a dental floating. Many owners are unaware that horses teeth are continually erupting which can cause their teeth to form sharp points from uneven grinding. This can cause pain to your horse when they grind their feed to eat. If the sharp points continue to grow for too long they will cause ulcers and lacerations on the tongue and cheeks of the horse. If a horse’s teeth are forming sharp enamel points then a veterinarian will need to “float” the teeth. This refers using a power file or rasp to smooth those edges. During this procedure the horse will be sedated and a speculum will be placed in the mouth to aid with the procedure. Some signs your horse may need to be floated are, dropping feed when chewing, foul odor coming from mouth, problems accepting the bit, and losing weight. Contact your veterinarian if any of these problems present. For more detailed information on floating your horse visit-http://www.thehorse.com/articles/34462/what-you-need-to-know-about-your-horses-teeth